By Justin Harley, Vice President of International Business development at essensys
Think of workflow automation as a way to delight your customers by transforming the quality and consistency of your service.
A workflow is a sequence of steps and actions that need to happen for a business process to complete. Today, in most shared workspaces, this is all manual. Imagine if you could remove repetitive and time-consuming tasks while enhancing human interactions with your customers too!
Automated workflows can have a major impact across your workspace - from sales enquiries to on-boarding customers. I’d like to share an example, as well as six key benefits to staff and customers.
By David Kinnaird, President North America at essensys
Today’s modern workforce – from freelancers and entrepreneurs to large businesses – has never had so many workspace options. The rising cost of commercial real estate in urban areas and the increased competition among shared workspace operators accentuates the need for providers to stay competitive and to make cash.
Based on over 10 years’ experience with one of the UK’s largest providers of shared workspace, I’d like to share some insight to help you succeed. Whether you already operate shared space or have plans to integrate it into your offering, here is some food for thought.
Based at the Steelcase Worklife Center in downtown Los Angeles earlier this month, the latest GCUCALL event was a grand slam in the essensys books. GCUC (Global Coworking Unconference Conference) is the largest coworking conference event series in the world and this year, they partnered with the Alliance Business Center Network to form a global union within our industry: GCUCALL.
We’re delighted to announce our sponsorship of the GCUCALL conference taking place this May 3rd to 5th in Los Angeles.
Gareth Evans, MD Bizspace. Joe Murray, Sales Director, essensys. Michael Guest, MD essensys. Mark Furness, CEO, essensys. Tom Payne, Operations Director, Bizspace.
By Joe Murray – Sales Director at essensys
Another year, another successful BCA conference! BCA Executive Director Jennifer Brooke kicked off the annual flagship event with a rallying cry for flexible workplace leaders to proactively embrace technology and new business models. To sustain success, our thriving sector needs to rapidly respond to changing customer expectations and the coworking trend that are putting our industry on the cusp of a major transformation.
By Claire Luik, VP Product & Business Development - Digital Workspace at essensys
For coworking space providers to set themselves apart, they need to implement an intelligent, technology-based strategy around the beating heart of their space: the member community. As is widely accepted, coworking members want to feel part of a buzzing, productive and collaborative experience that fosters budding commercial and social relationships. For space providers, using the best technology available on the market to help create a thriving community is a powerful way to drive growth and revenue, and ensure sustained success.
By Justin Harley, Vice President of International Business development at essensys
It's fair to say that meeting rooms are on average empty for about 75% of the time. While hardly news for our sector, this still is shocking. Especially considering the ever growing focus on mobile working and collaborative spaces, both furthering the overall need for meeting rooms. On the plus side, workspace operators should recognise a fantastic revenue opportunity here. In this article, I’d like to share some simple, practical tips on turning under-utilised space into an invaluable source of revenue.
By Allan Darvill, Health & Wellbeing Consultant at essensys
It was during my time as a Personal Trainer in a gym near the essensys London office that I got to know the firm’s CEO Mark Furness (and his great sense of humour). When Mark approached me one day, asking me to become a full-time Health & Wellbeing Consultant at essensys, I thought he was having a laugh! But as we started fleshing out his ideas on how a wellbeing programme could help transform the lives of his staff, I jumped at the challenge.